Updated as of August 20, 2024
These HOB Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms of Use”) contain disclaimers of warranties, disclaimers of liability, and a binding arbitration clause and class action waiver. Please read them carefully.Outside of the United States, HOB and its subsidiaries acknowledges that there are certain mandatory local rights and laws (including without limitation in respect of unfair consumer terms) which may not be excluded, restricted or modified or may only be limited to a certain extent (“local law obligations”). Nothing in these Terms of Use excludes, restricts or modifies the local law obligations except as permitted by such laws.
These Terms of Use apply to this website, all related HOB websites (each a “HOB Website”), mobile applications, and services (including HOB’s subscription video streaming service (the “MOORISH TV”, "PLUGGED TV GLOBAL", "HOB NETWORK", "MOORISH RADIO", "PLUGGED RADIO", "MOORISH RADIOLIVE365")) that link to this policy (collectively, the “Services”) unless we have posted special terms of use to a particular website or with respect to a particular service. In that case, those special terms of use apply to that website or service to the extent that they are different from these Terms of Use. The Services are provided by or on behalf of House of Bey, A Publishing and Production Company, Inc. or its affiliates or subsidiaries ("HOB", “we”, “us”). By using the Services, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use the Services.
Please note that these Terms of Use contain capitalized words or phrases. These words and phrases are defined terms. Their definitions are found either in our Privacy Policy or in these Terms of Use. To help you use our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use we have made some words, phrases and headings into hyperlinks. These words, phrases and headings have color highlighting.
Please note that these "Terms of Use" apply to you whether you are a "Visitor" (which means that you are simply visiting a HOB website) or a "Registered Member" (which means that you have registered with HOB to participate in online activities or paid subscription services). The term "User" refers to both a Visitor and a Registered Member. Registered Members are also referred to simply as "Subscribers" or "Fans." The term "Membership" refers to a Registered Member's account and ability to post to and participate in activities and services hosted on a HOB website. If you wish to become a Registered Member, you must read these Terms of Use and indicate your agreement with these Terms of Use and with any other instructions or requirements that may be part of any and or all registration process.
PLEASE NOTE: Eligibility. Membership is void where prohibited. Members may not register with the Services unless: (a) all registration information you submit is accurate, current and complete; (b) you agree to maintain the accuracy of such information; (c) you are 13 years of age or older; and (d) your use of the Services does not violate any applicable laws or regulations. Participation in the Services includes, but is not limited to, postings to or other forms of participation with forums, blogs, groups, comments, chats, or the submission of photos, videos or other content ("Participation"). Any content generated by a User involving the use of any functionality of a HOB's Website is referred to as "User-Generated Content".
Any User-Generated Content may be deleted and your registration may be cancelled without warning or notification, if we believe that you are under 13 years of age, if we believe that you are under 18 years of age and you represent yourself as 18 or older, or if we believe you are over 18 and represent yourself as under 18 or 13 years of age. You may not engage in any form of Participation on behalf of another person or entity and if we believe you have, HOB reserves the right to remove any or all User-Generated Content.
Subject to any local laws and obligations, we may change these Terms of Use at any time. We suggest that you review these Terms of Use periodically for changes. Your use of the Services after the posting of changes to these Terms of Use will mean you accept any and all changes. Where, however any change to these Terms of Use is a material change (i.e. not one which is merely a small or technical change which does not affect you in any material way) or, in the case of all HOB's OTT channels, Radio Stations, and or APP's we will make a significant change to the basis on which the HOB's Streaming Platforms is made available to you (including, for Month-to-Month Recurring Subscriptions, a change in the price payable by you each month) we will notify you of the relevant change(s) by email, using the email address you provided to us at registration. If the change is an increase in monthly subscription price, or if it materially disadvantages you, we will notify you at least two months before the change takes effect, giving you the opportunity to cancel your subscription before the relevant change comes into effect. Your continued use of the Services after the changes come into effect (and, in the case of any paid subscription, your failure to cancel the same within the relevant notice period) will mean you accept the changes. If a material change to these Terms of Use (or to HOB Streaming Services itself) needs to be made more quickly for security, legal or regulatory reasons, we will give you as much notice as we are reasonably able to give you. The most up-to-date version of these Terms of Use will always be available on the HOB website(s) and when we notify you that the Terms of Use are changing we recommend that you print the latest version for your records.
HOB may also offer other services from time to time that are governed by different terms and conditions of use. Visit Moorish Media Inc for additional terms of service. You will be provided with a copy of such terms and conditions of use prior to you contracting to receive any and all of such services. The Services are based in the United States. If you are outside the EEA or UK, by using the Services and/or by submitting personal information to the Services, you consent to having your information transferred to the United States and being processed and maintained in the United States, subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. laws may be different than the law of your home country. For New Zealand based subscribers, see our Privacy Policy for more details on the transfer of your personal information.
All materials contained on the Services are the copyrighted property of House of Bey, A Publishing and Production Company, Inc., and its affiliates and/or our third party licensors. All trademarks, service marks and trade names, including but not limited to the HOB and HOB marks, as well as the names of its intellectual properties, shows, recording artists, are proprietary to HOB or its affiliates and are protected by state, federal and international trademark laws. The textual, photographic, video, audio and combined audiovisual programs and products resulting from HOB's events and television programs, including the material contained in the Services, are protected under United States and international copyright laws as copyrighted works. No materials from the Services may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without the express written permission of House of Bey, Inc. Anyone who displays, reproduces, copies, creates derivative works or sells our textual, photographic, video or audiovisual programs for commercial or non-commercial purposes without permission from HOB may be liable for copyright infringement. Any person who uses HOB's marks or any similar marks in such a way that it dilutes the distinctive quality of HOB's marks or that creates a likelihood of confusion with HOB's marks for commercial purposes without HOB's permission on goods or for services may be liable for trademark infringement. If you download software or applications from the Services, the software or applications, including any files, images incorporated in or generated by the software or applications, and data and instructions accompanying the software or applications (collectively, the "Software") are licensed to you by HOB or our third party licensors for your personal, non-commercial home use only. Any commercial or public use, including but not limited to use in any commercial premises, of the Services, including but not limited to HOB's OTT Channels, and/or Software, is strictly prohibited. We do not transfer title to the Software to you, and HOB (or our third party licensors) retains full and complete title to the Software and all intellectual property rights in the Software. You may not redistribute, sell, de-compile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce any of the Software to readable form except to the extent permitted by law. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please email info@moorishmediainc.com to inquire about permission to use HOB's intellectual properties, trademarks, and service marks.
HOB takes the security of your personal information seriously. We take appropriate steps designed to protect the security and integrity of your personal information as required by all applicable data protection laws and as set out in our Privacy Policy. To the extent we collect payment information and/or shipping or billing information from you through the Services, we provide your payment information and billing and shipping information to service providers that help us to process and ship the goods or provide the services you purchase through this web site. Those vendors are solely responsible for how they use that information and any other information they independently acquire from you or about you. For more information on how HOB and our service providers and affiliates use and protect the personal information and payment information you may provide through this web site, please click here to review our Privacy Policy. Please note that Ushaka International Marketplace has additional terms of services, please click here to review.
To protect the security of your payment information in transmission, HOB employ's reasonable technological measures including, where appropriate, Transport Layer Security technology (formerly referred to as secure socket layer technology (SSL) technology). When appropriate, we also may encrypt your payment information when we store your order and whenever we transfer that information to participating vendors or take other appropriate steps to protect the security of your personal information.
Please note that whenever you provide personal information online in a public forum - for example, via message boards or chat - that information can be collected and used by people you don't know. While HOB strives to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online in a public forum; you make such disclosures at your own risk. You may not use or attempt to use the Services to collect personal information about other persons or entities in any other manner that is inconsistent with another person's privacy or personal data protection rights.
When you register as a Member or when you register for certain Services, you will also be asked to choose a username, password or other identification information intended to restrict access to Participation and to otherwise protect your Membership from unauthorized access. HOB agrees to use reasonable skill and care in protecting your account but you are also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and other identification information and may be held responsible for unauthorized use of your account to the extent that due to your misuse including if you do not take reasonable care in protection your password and account. You agree not to use the account, username, password or other identification information of another Member at any time or to disclose your identification information to any third party. You agree to notify HOB or its third party affiliates immediately if you suspect any unauthorized use of your account or access to your identification information. You are solely responsible for any and all use of your account. For the protection of Members, HOB reserves the right to require or install revised account access procedures or applications at any time even though this may temporarily block access to certain parts of the Services.
HOB recommends exercising the use of discretion while browsing the Internet or using the Services. You should be aware that while using the HOB Services you could be directed to other web sites by links and other features found on the HOB Services. If you click on those links or other features, you may be visiting a web site or service that is not owned or operated by HOB and over which HOB has no control. For example, if you click on a banner advertisement, the click may take you to the web site of a company that is not related to or affiliated with HOB and over which HOB has no control. This includes but is not limited to links from advertisers, sponsors, content partners and other users that may use our logo(s) as part of a co-branding or affiliate agreement. These other web sites or services may collect data, solicit personal information and generate cookies on your computer in a manner different from any HOB Services. These other web sites or services may also contain information that you may find inappropriate and or offensive.
HOB is not responsible for the content or availability of information found on any web site or service owned by a third party that may be linked to HOB's web sites by a hyperlink, whether such hyperlink is provided by HOB or by a third party unless stated by HOB. By providing access to third party web sites or advertisements, HOB is not endorsing the products or services provided by the owner or operator of such web sites. Consequently, we will not be liable or responsible for the accuracy, relevancy, reliability, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in third party web sites or services linked to HOB Services. HOB cannot ensure that you will be satisfied with any products or services you purchase from a third party that links to or from HOB Services or that you purchase through third party advertising or content on HOB Services. We do not make any representations or warranties as to the security of any information (including, without limitation, payment information and other personal information) you might be requested to give any third party, and you hereby irrevocably waive any claim against HOB with respect to the products, services and content of third party web sites, including third party web sites or services accessible by links from our HOB Services to the extent permitted under Local, State, or Federal Law Obligations. We strongly encourage you to make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction.
HOB takes all copyright claims serious, If you believe your work may have been copied and posted on or through any HOB Services in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please send HOB's Copyright Compliance Agents a notification of claimed infringement with all of the following information:
(a) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works;
(b) identification of the claimed infringing material and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material (providing the URL(s) of the claimed infringing material satisfies this requirement);
(c) information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an email address;
(d) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
(e) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notification is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf; and
(f) your physical or electronic signature.
We have adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances and at our sole discretion, the accounts of Members who are deemed to be repeated Copy Right violator(s). HOB may also at our sole discretion limit access to the Services and/or terminate Memberships of any Users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others, whether or not there is any repeat infringement.
HOB's Copyright Compliance Agent for notification of claimed infringement can be reached as follows: Copyright Compliance Agent, House of Bey, A Publishing and Production Company, Inc., 3920 E. Thomas Road Suite 80260., Phoenix, AZ 85060. HOB's Copyright Compliance Agent for notification of claimed infringement can also be reached electronically by clicking cpagent@moorishmediainc.com.
Please note, that all Copyright Compliance Agents represent Moorish Media Inc., and all Subsidiaries, including but not limited to Moorish Media Entertainment, LLC, Moorish TV, LLC, Plugged TV Global, LLC, HOB Network, LLC, and Moorish Island, LLC.
HOB and or its third party affiliates may make certain features of the app services available via your mobile phone. Please click here to review the privacy policy. In addition to any charges disclosed to you by HOB via your carrier's normal messaging, data and other related rates and fees will still apply. HOB recommends that check with your carrier to find out what plans are available and how much they cost. In addition, downloading, installing, or using certain features or products may be prohibited or restricted by your mobile carrier. Not all products and features will work with all carriers or devices. Therefore, you should check with your mobile carrier to find out if the product or feature that you are interested in are available for your mobile devices, and what restrictions, if any, may be applicable for your use of such products or features. By using the product or feature provided by HOB or a HOB affiliate, you agree that HOB may communicate with you by SMS, MMS, text message or other electronic means to your mobile device and that certain information about your usage of the product and feature may be communicated to us to the extent necessary to provide the product or feature you have requested.
House of Bey Inc.
3101 N. Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012
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